DIY Mold Removal


1. White vinegar to clean mold

We can never repeat it enough: white vinegar is THE product that you absolutely must always have in your kitchen cupboards. Because in addition to helping you make vinaigrettes, it is an emblematic product of economical and ecological cleaning. Normal: a bottle of white vinegar costs less than one euro in the shops, but with it, you can do everything: descale a kettle, shine the taps, clean a worktop, shine the toilets...    in a home, white vinegar can do everything, or almost; including removing mold from the walls!

+Here are two tips that will help you eliminate traces of mold using white vinegar:
The first (to be used if the stains are not too pronounced and/or old): start by soaking a sponge in white vinegar, then rub directly on the mold stains to remove them.
If the ugly gray spots persist, it's time to move on to plan B: dilute 30 cl of white vinegar in 20 cl of water, then place everything in a spray bottle before generously spraying the mold.    Leave the white vinegar to act for several hours before wiping with a cloth, repeating the operation until the traces have completely disappeared.
2. Cleaning with baking soda

trash, scour a burnt pan, descale the washing machine, shine your taps, baking soda is also an ally of healthy homes.  So it's no surprise that this eco-friendly and economical household essential can also help you fight against mould... and in particular on joints!
To using baking soda against traces mold, it's easy :
Begin by preparing a paste by mixing about 10 cl of water & 200 g baking soda in a bowl.
Apply paste obtain directly on joints affected by traces of mold, & rubbing them with  little brush or an old toothbrush.
After cleaning your joints, leave to act for 10 minutes, then rinse with clean water – or white vinegar, to boost the shine of your joints!
3. Toothpaste & yeast against stains

If you have mold stains in your home but you don't have white vinegar or baking soda, there's no you have to run to the supermarket to buy "anti-mold" products that you will probably pay  too much!   Yes: if you have a sachet of baking powder (the one that makes cakes rise) in your kitchen cupboard and a tube of toothpaste in your bathroom, you have enough to prepare a magic anti-mold potion 100 % homemade and 100�fective!    This trick is particularly useful for ridding fabrics of all gray traces of mold.
To do this, nothing very complicated: as with baking soda, the trick is to prepare a paste, by mixing in a bowl a dab of toothpaste and a sachet of baking powder. Then apply paste to mold stains, leave on for a some h, then rinse the garment or even better, put it in the washing machine (following the instructions on the label).   Miracle: once out of the washing machine, your garment will be like new (or almost).
4. Tea tree essential oil against mold

Champion of natural antifungals and antibacterials, tea tree essential oil can be a great ally to help you eliminate mold in rooms where there is a high level of humidity, such as the bathroom, laundry room or the kitchen.    Indeed, this purifying essential oil has no equal in destroying fungi and cleaning up surfaces: in addition to eliminating mould, it will also prevent them from reappearing later. Who says better ?   
To get rid of traces of mold on your walls with tea tree essential oil, here's how to proceed:
In a container, mix 300 ml of white vinegar and 10 drops of tea tree essential oil.
Pour the mixture into a spray bottle, then add 200 ml of water.
Spray the areas affected by mold with the mixture, then leave to act for a few hours.
Wipe with a soft cloth, then, if necessary, repeat the operation but this time without wiping.
Be careful though: like most essential oils, tea tree oil is contraindicated for children under three years old or pregnant women during the first five months.