Why eating cucumber every day is good for your health?
A detoxification of the body
A small clarification: to make the most of the virtues of cucumber, it is advisable to consume it unpeeled. Indeed, cucumber skin contains phenolic compounds with antioxidant action, which fight against free radicals. In addition, the more bitter the cucumber, the higher its concentration of cucurbitacin (C), which increases its anti-inflammatory potential. This without forgetting that the high water content of cucumber (95%) is a good source of hydration for the body, and its diuretic action stimulates kidney function and promotes the elimination of waste and toxins, through the urine and perspiration. As for the nutrients it contains, such as vitamins (A, B, C, and E) and minerals (calcium, phosphorus, iron, potassium, magnesium, etc.), they strengthen the defenses of the immune system and boost its protective action. .

Healthier skin
Edges of cucumber slices The eyes are a well-known trick. Except acting Externally, cucumbers cannot clean our skin, Improve the general condition of our body. Detox and Anti-inflammatory, reduce inflammation caused various skin problems, such as acne, and neutralize free radicals responsible for premature cell aging. In addition, rich in silica, this vegetable also helps strengthen different body tissues, including the skin, which helps achieve smooth, transparent and tight skin.

Better digestion and fat burning
Cucumber is rich in moisture, fiber and nutrients, it is a real ally of weight loss. Through daily consumption, it helps Improves digestion and fights against various diseases Digestive system and repairs the stomach and intestinal lining. In addition, Diuretic and metabolic activating properties Promotes the burning and elimination of fat Causes visible and effective weight loss.

Also, a Japanese study showed that The index finger helps cucumbers lose weight High Chew. Indeed, women Foods that require more chewing than thinner foods Who love soft food.