She Wraps the Feet with Aluminum Foil… 2 days later, all her pains have disappeared !

1 – Eliminate joint pain The aluminum foil way is effective against pain of sciatica, gout, arthritis and joint pain, especially that of the feet or knees.  As soon as the pain starts to get strong, simply wrap the sore area in a layer of aluminum foil and tighten it so that it covers the area well and let it act overnight. Repeat the process every night for two weeks followed by a two week break and repeat the same process until the pain subsides. You will be pleasantly surprised with the result of this trick.

 2 – Say goodbye to fatigue A lack of sleep or an overly stressful day can sometimes totally overwhelm you and even prevent you from doing odd jobs round house.  The aluminum foil is there to give you a boost and allow you to apprehend your day with more vigor. Taking few strips of aluminum foil & placing them in freezer. After 2-3 hours, put them on your cheeks and eyelids. You will immediately feel your muscles relax and loosen up. Once you are completely relaxed, remove the bands and enjoy the feeling of well-being that washes over you.